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September 19, 2013
Minutes of the Princeton Historical Commission
September 19, 2013
Town Hall Annex, 7 PM

Attendees:  Sheila Dubman, Alex Fiandaca, Joe Lee, Matt Lindberg and Mickey Splaine.  
Brian Keevan of 32 Mirick Road also joined the meeting.

Members unanimously approved meeting minutes from May 16, 2013 and July 11, 2013.

Sheila informed members of a Planning Board meeting on October 2nd in which the following items will be discussed:

1)  Jim Camp’s interest in a special permit to operate a Bed and Breakfast at his home at 58 Mountain             
     Road  and

2) Upgrading the existing radio communications tower at the Public Safety building.

Redemption Rock Road Marker

Mickey will let Phyllis Booth know that the marker has been reinstalled and will suggest obtaining a photo of the Worcester Technical High School students and teacher who completed the restoration.  Sheila will draft a letter of thanks to the school.  Members will also consider a small plaque or certificate of appreciation.  Alex presented sample certificates created by Judy Tyler.  

Meetinghouse Cemetery
Alex will touch base with Ta Mara regarding ongoing repairs.  The Commission will not pursue a tour of the cemetery this Fall.  

Route 140

Sheila received a letter from GPI (Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.) regarding reconstruction of Route 140 through the Village of East Princeton.  Historic Commission review is required under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (as amended 36 CFR 800).  Mickey reported that GPI has submitted the Route 140 design to MassDOT.  MassDOT will review/comment on the design and schedule a public hearing.  The hearing will likely be held in the winter or early spring.  Phase two of the Route 140 project will focus on landscaping, lighting, etc. and the Commission’s input during this phase would be most welcome. Underground utilities throughout the Village have not been ruled out.  Mickey is hopeful that Brian Allan will be able to attend the hearing and provide more information on the subject.  Mickey also indicated that the cost of any new light fixtures in the Village might be the responsibility of the Town.

Minutes of the Princeton Historical Commission
September 19, 2013
Town Hall Annex, 7 PM

Mechanics Hall
Alex reported that the progress is being made in the basement of Mechanics Hall.  Most of the obsolete ductwork and other debris have been removed.  The presence of the ducts has been contributing to excessive moisture in the basement and since their removal the moisture problem has improved.  The Friends’ will hold their second annual yard sale this year as part of the Town Wide yard sale on Saturday, September 28th.  Also, three students from WPI are in the process of performing a structural engineering study on Mechanics Hall for their senior projects at no cost to the Friends.
The following items are among the New Activities proposed at the previous meeting:  

House Plaques

Joyce has been in contact with Glennie Eden-Kilgour who has researched her home at 90 Hobbs Road and would like to purchase a house plaque.  Glennie’s request might serve as an example of how the Commission will proceed with a new approach to the house plaque program.  Members discussed the possibility of offering research instructions on the Commission’s website in addition to a seminar (yearly or as needed) once a policy has been developed.  Members also discussed the need for a review process and Matt offered to assist with reviewing deeds.  Sheila offered to start drafting a house plaque policy.  Alex will follow-up with Joyce regarding Glennie’s research.

Public Education
Members acknowledged the need to address the public’s long-standing confusion between National Register Historic Districts and Local Historic Districts.  It was suggested that this topic be captured in a town-wide mailer (in newsletter form) in which the Commission’s recent activities are highlighted.

Plane Spotting Tower and Guidelines for Town Common
Members decided to address both topics at a future meeting.

Town Pound
Overall members were in favor of opening up the Town Pound as a historic resource however concerns were raised about access.  It appears that there is no public access to the Pound from the street or from Meetinghouse Cemetery.  Joe and Mickey offered to take a closer look at the Pound to determine what might be possible in terms of access.

Next Meeting: Next meeting November 21st, 2013 at 7 PM in the Town Hall Annex.
Respectfully submitted, Alex Fiandaca